Monday, April 22, 2013

First post! What am I doing

Well, I've been pondering whether or not I should start a blog for my fatventures in Taiwan for a while now.  Once I discovered iPeen, which is essentially the Yelp of Taiwan, I decided to just go for it since now I would have a resource for new places to eat.  Googling things in English for eats in Taiwan turns up shitty recommendations from Taiwan tourism sites and shit, so once I got the hang of iPeen I started going crazy picking out new restaurants.  Hungry Girl In Taipei ( has and still is fantastic, but it only left me hungry for more (yea, you like that!!).  <--weird punctuation what are the rules

On a more serious note, my goal for this blog is to create a readily-accessible source of recommendations for places to eat in Taipei for my friends and myself.  Sometimes it will venture outside of Taipei, but mostly not.  I have been keeping a list of restaurants and forwarding via email, so this will basically be an extension of that.  Taipei could use some more English reviews, so hopefully those of you who stumble upon this will find some useful information.  I'll be aiming to take on local favorites and spreading the word.

About the photos, sorry in advance; I use an iPhone4s for pictures and I suck at taking them.  Maybe I should sack up and get a nice camera.  Any suggestions?  I'd probably start with a nice point & shoot.

I should probably define my rating & cost system, as well as my high-level food preferences so you can see how you align with me.  I'm just bullshitting here, if you have any suggestions I'm all ears.
  • Ratings
    • : Not good, will never go back; will actively deny any attempt by others to go
    • ☆: Indifferent; won't ever suggest the place, won't miss it if I never have it again, but won't veto if someone else does
    • ☆☆: Hmm, not bad.  A decent choice for a meal.  Could have once in a while
    • ☆☆☆: Good place.  Could have once a week, maybe two.  A place I'd suggest if you had extra time
    • ☆☆☆☆: Okay, this is pretttttty damn good.  A place I would recommend as "must eat".  Multiple times a week no problem
    • ☆☆☆☆☆: Take me there.  Now.  I could eat this everyday.
    • ★: Holy shit I've entered a new dimension and this is incomprehensible
  • Cost
    • $: less than 150NT
    • $$: 150 - 300NT
    • $$$: 300 - 1000NT
    • $$$$: 1000 - 3000NT
    • $$$$$: more than 3000NT
  • Personal preferences
    • Asian food, in particular Japanese & Taiwanese
    • Sweets (ugh, wish this wasn't the case, but they're soooo guilt-inducing good)
    • Non-soupy things (a surprise to many Asians)
    • Grubby food.  Over the whole fine dining thing
 Well, that should cover the basics.  If I've missed anything important, let me know.

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